Karen Crawford, M.D.

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Karen Crawford has been a practicing emergency medicine physician since 2006. In the last few years, she began to question why we are all here and how can we be well? Her desire to help others has transitioned from “how do we treat symptoms,” to “what is the underlying cause of the symptoms, and how can we effectuate change in the person; rather than just patching him/her up.” Her quest has taken her into many different modalities regarding understanding consciousness, our purpose in life, and the mind/body/soul connection.
What makes her come alive is helping others at a soul level. Astrology is one way to connect with a soul’s purpose. When you are born, the sky holds energy that is shared with you as you take your first breath and continues to support you as you live your life. In the natal/birth chart, there are clues to help you find your purpose. Tarot, an ancient art of intuition, is another way to connect. Tarot uses symbols to trigger intuitive connections and have a dialogue about decisions you are currently facing. With these two tools, Karen joyfully helps guide you as you learn more about yourself.